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Memorial Day Open Mat & New Location


We would like to say THANK YOU to all those who have served and honor those who have sacrificed serving in the US Armed Forces.

Monday Memorial Day we will open ONLY for 7pm OPEN MAT. Please come and get some training in on Memorial Day! There will be no other classes. Also Monday will be the last day at Victorium. This facility was a nice transition for us after the unexpected closing of Notorious, but the far north location was not best for our students therefore we relocated back to Old Town Scottsdale!.

We were able to secure our own location on the NW corner of Thomas Rd. & 68th St. back in Old Town Scottsdale. Classes will start on Tuesday (May 28) at our new and permanent location during the 5pm kids class. Here is our new address:


We look forward to see as many of the students as possible attending the new location on Tuesday. BTW, everyone is welcome, present students, old students, and future students. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend or reach out to someone to restart their BJJ journey.

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